How To Install AMS Software on a Remote Linux Machine

How To Install AMS Software on a Remote Linux Machine

This is a quick guide to getting set up on a remote Linux machine. It is still incomplete, but may give some helpful hints. Here I give the example of creating an executable to run AMS MC. Please email Kate Scholberg with questions, comments, etc.
I have things running on RedHat 6.2, an MIT LNS "white" machine, but it should work with other distributions and versions, too. First, here is a (partial) list of software you will need to have installed.

You will need to have a CERN AMS account and access to Please ask Alexei Klimentov, (if you do not know him, make sure to get authorization from someone in the collaboration). You will also need access to the CERN AMS Linux PC's, e.g. pcamsf2. You can find general AMS software and computing information on the AMS Computing page and the the AMS-02 Software page.

Now, to install: